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Rome and Chengdu Energy Research and Practical Cooperation – Follow-up Meeting

Experts from the Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute (EIRI) at Tsinghua University and of two departments from Rome’s University Sapienza (CITERA – Interdepartmental Center for Territory, Building, Restoration, Environment and theDepartment of Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture) held an online meeting to identify concrete research topics, potential financial sources and possible testbeds in cities. The meeting was a follow-up to the last week’s one.

Both sides have agreed today in elaborating an MoU for specific research cooperation on planning methodologies for energy saving in new buildings. Collaboration would include the application to 2 Chinese support schemes: a) The China Association for S&T (with short-term possible support of 20-30 TEU), and b) the MOST National Key R&D Plan for International Cooperation (with possible support of 300 TEU if selected). In a second step, EIRI and Sapienza would like to pilot some recommendations/findings in IUC cities both in China and Europe.


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