Mannheim First Vice Mayor visits Chongqing
The IUC team supported the visit of Mr. Christian Specht, First Vice Mayor of Mannheim to Chongqing 14th – 17th August. Mr. Specht met with Mr. OUYANG Lin, Deputy Director General of Chongqing DRC, who visited Mannheim in June 2017 during the IUC work meeting

European Parliament delegation visit Zhengzhou in July
With the support of IUC project, a thirteen-people European Parliament delegation led by MEPs Lambert van Nistelrooij and Jan Olbrycht visited Zhengzhou. An official meeting with Mr. CHENG Zhiming, Mayor of Zhengzhou was arranged on 18th July. Both sides exchange thoughts on mainly following aspects:

XII High Level Dialogue on Regional and Urban Policy Cooperation
On May 31st, the 12th High Level Dialogue on Regional and Urban Policy Cooperation took place in Brussels as a key side event of EU-China Summit 2017. The seminar was opened by Normunds Popens, Deputy Director General of DG REGIO, and LIU Sushe, Director General,

Chinese delegations of NDRC and Pilot Cities visit EU pairs in May – June 2017
Chinese delegation of NDRC and Pilot Cities visit EU in 30th May – 07th June 2017 Led by the NDRC, two Chinese delegations visited four EU pilot cities on two routes. A delegation with representatives from NDRC, Zhengzhou and Changchun visited Málaga (Spain) and Agii

Signing Ceremony on 31st May: Joint Declaration of EU and Chinese IUC pilot cities
After the seminar, and with the presence of EU Commissioner Ms. Corina Cretu and NDRC Vice Chairman Mr. HU Zucai, nine cities – 5 from China and 4 from the EU, with Prague set to join the IUC programme as the fifth EU city –

IUC Project Launch Event in Beijing
On 15. March 2017, the IUC (Component 1: city-to-city cooperation on sustainable urban development) was officially launched at the premise of the European Union Delegation to China and Mongolia in Beijing. Dr. Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, Ambassador of the European Union to China and Mongolia and

IUC Brussels Training
The IUC Asia team participated in the IUC training week held in Brussels in February 2017. At this occasion, experts were able to learn in depth about the technical issues of the EU’s Covenant of Mayors. The Joint Research Centre of the EU delivered a